Is pyramid power real?
If you read the scientific literature, you will read it’s all bunk, that the new-agers have been on one ayahuasca trip too many. People with advanced educational degrees are telling us this, so we accept it. They’re smarter than the rest of us, after all.
But we’re being lazy. As recently as the last century, regular people—citizen scientists—were integral to advancing science and human knowledge. If someone was curious about something, they often went on to figure it out for themselves rather than wait for an authority figure to give them the correct answer.
So, back to pyramid power.
I’ve read the books and the breathless articles. I’ve even been to Egypt. However, when discussing the possibility of pyramid power, I was forced to quote other people’s words and other people’s analyses because I hadn’t conducted any experiments myself.
Until I did.
I set up several experiments with 1) a control, 2) a metal pyramid, and 3) a wooden pyramid. In the photo below, you can see that placing cut roses in a pyramid affected their decay rates, with the wooden pyramid having the greatest preservation effect and the control rose decaying the most quickly.

My conclusion isn’t that pyramids—or geometric shapes—may affect physical reality (more experiments are needed). It’s that we shouldn’t be so quick to look to outside sources to define that reality. Don’t depend on state-run schools for your entire education. Don’t rely solely on the media for information on the events that are happening around you.
I've heard it said that choosing not to do experiments is how people remain comfortable and avoid challenging their beliefs. Don't be that person--choose discomfort. You may discover that the world is not as confined as you have been led to believe.